Interpretation panels

fen garden camb botanics Maps of the expanded Wicken Fen reserve and the full 100 year Vision Project Area, with sketches and site photos superimposed. Orientation board at the main entrance to Wicken Fen .

Interpretation panels for Wicken Fen National Nature Reserve, the oldest nature reserve in Britain.  These are located around the new Tubney Fen extension to the reserve, and at the main carpark and visitor centre.

The acquisition of Tubney Fen is a major step forward as part of the Wicken Fen Vision, the aim of which is to create a much larger reserve reaching towards Cambridge, offering new opportunities for wildlife and for public access.

Cambridge University Botanic Garden. A section through fenland habitat produced for the Fen Display Garden. One of a series of panels for the Ouse Washes RSPB and Wildlife Trust reserve, Cambridgeshire Ouse Washes panel

All images © MC Wood.

wicken fen board 1 wicken map 1